Saturday, 25 January 2014

Stupendous Saturday

Like my blog post title? Cool huh? :P It is because my Saturday is astonishingly amazing. It is just the first day of my school holiday and it went pretty well yo!

It's the first for everything today! It's the first time I went to an event which is called 'Splash Run'. I guess not many people know what event it is so I'll explain for you.'Splash Run' is basically a 5km race where the runners will get doused in different colour powders. It started at 7am in the morning and ended at 11am. It was totally an awesome event! If you guys didn't go, well it's too bad then cause you missed out the fun! YOU SHOULD GO OKAY. hehe~ So, here's the picture for Splash Run!
Fun isn't it? THERE I TOLD YOU THAT IT WAS AN AMAZING EVENT. heheh~ It is also my first time going to a football tournament for my school. Although it was very hot just now, I had fun being their photographer for a day (although I'm still a noob in photography). They did pretty well even though they didn't get to finals :) I'm proud of you boys !!!!! I bet all of you want to see the photos that I took :P Just kidding~ So here goes~ Enjoy looking at the photos~ Will update soon!